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Open Fibre

Building business networks that matter.

Proven to be a leading fiber network operator and partner of choice within multi-tenant commercial real estate - Open Fibre fully fund, manage, and operate Fiber Network Infrastructure throughout South Africa.

Property partnerships sit at the heart of how Open Fibre operate and collaborate to improve the overall connectivity experience – enabling all stakeholders to grow their businesses, operate more efficiently, reduce the cost of connectivity, and improve the tenant experience.

Open Fibre.

We build. You grow.

A single, non-exclusive, open access fiber network operator and last-mile connectivity provider.


In a bold move towards realizing their vision of becoming the leading network provider and partner of choice within multi-tenant environments, Myriad business Open Fibre has forged a strategic partnership with Burstone and ExcellerateJHI to sponsor a fibre link to a pre-primary school.

Balfour Mall made some of its retail space available and funded the development of an early childhood development centre, named Scatterlings.

Scatterlings cater to the needs of pre-primary school children in the community and are run by a non-profit that started in response to the need to cater to the early development stages of young children.

“This initiative not only underscores Open Fibre's commitment to expanding access to high-speed internet but also highlights the transformative power of collaboration in bridging the digital divide,” says Phil Wessels, CEO of Open Fibre.

“As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, access to reliable internet connectivity has become more crucial than ever, especially in educational settings. Recognising the importance of empowering future generations with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world,” he adds.

Through Open Fibre’s reliable fibre network, students gain access to a wealth of online resources, digital learning tools, and interactive educational content, empowering them to explore, innovate, and excel in their academic pursuits.

In addition, educators have the necessary bandwidth to leverage technology effectively in the classroom, fostering a dynamic learning environment conducive to student engagement and achievement.

By investing in education and digital infrastructure, Open Fibre, Burstone, and ExcellerateJHI are not only enriching the lives of students but also laying the foundation for economic growth, innovation, and sustainable development.

As the project takes shape, it serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and collective action in addressing pressing societal challenges.

“Through meaningful partnerships and purpose-driven initiatives, Open Fibre is not only revolutionizing the way tenants connect but also transforming lives and shaping a brighter future for generations to come,” Wessels concluded.